So much to do...
Self-Guided Walks

Jamieson's fascinating history has been recorded in 3 self-guided walks (Heritage, Significant Trees, Cemetery), with brochures available from PO, General Store, Caravan Park and Museum.
You can also download the Heritage and Trees walks from the buttons on this page. Downloading will not just save printing costs but also save a few trees.
Paw Print Walk
A special walk around Jamieson and along the Jamieson River gives everybody, but especially kids, the opportunity to identify local animals. Maps and guides are available from the Jamieson Cafe, the General Store and the Jamieson Caravan Park.
Each sign has a QRCode that will take you to an Instagram site where you can record your special photos.

Positioned on the banks of two rivers & Victoria's largest inland waterway, Jamieson is ideal for water sports. There's a boat ramp nearby for water skiing on Lake Eildon. The Goulburn & Big Rivers have great white water for canoeing and rafting. In summer, the Goulburn is ideal for lazy canoeing - launch at Knockwood and paddle to the Kevington Hotel for lunch & finish the afternoon in Jamieson! Kayak rental is available at the Jamieson Caravan Park.
Of course, you can just swim in the clear shaded waters of the Jamieson & Goulburn Rivers.

There are endless walks around the rivers, hills and valleys of Jamieson to suit all standards including The Heritage Walk, The Significant Trees Walk and The Island Walk. As a gateway to the Alpine National Park, there are also spectacular Alpine walks nearby. Maps are available at the General Store. Download the Heritage Walk

In winter, Jamieson is surrounded by snow capped hills. At the head of the Jamieson Valley the road climbs steeply onto Mt. Skene which, along with Mt. Sterling and the Bluff Range, provide excellent coss-country ski terrain. In less than one hour, you can be on the slopes of Mt. Buller with its extensive downhill areas. Jamieson is an ideal off-mountain alternative for skiing accommodation.

There are many bird habitats in the Jamieson region, from Alpine, down through wet and dry eucalyptus forests to the waterways of Eildon and the river systems. Common around Jamieson are large flocks of King Parrots, Black Cockatoos, Kookaburras, Superb Blue Wrens, Gang Gangs and Rosellas. The morning birdsong is stunning.
Horse Riding

Jamieson is a great place for horseriding. Float your own horse in , or join a commercial trail ride from one of the many renowned operators in the area, including Lovick's and Watson's. For a more complete high country list of operators, click here.

Jamieson is a mecca for four wheel drive enthusiasts, with a network of bush trails, firetracks and access tracks to suit all standards. The track from Jamieson in to Mitchell's via Wrens Flat and then out via the Slate Mine is a great loop. Check at Jamieson River Automotives for any info, and purchase maps at the General Store.

In winter, Jamieson is surrounded by snow capped hills. At the head of the Jamieson Valley the road climbs steeply onto Mt. Skene which, along with Mt. Sterling and the Bluff Range, provide excellent cross-country ski terrain. In less than one hour, you can be on the slopes of Mt. Buller with its extensive downhill areas. Jamieson is an ideal off-mountain alternative for skiing accommodation.
Mt Terrible Wines

289 Jamieson-Licola Road, Jamieson 03 5777 0703 or 0429 406 037
enquiries@mountterriblewines.com.au & www.mountterriblewines.com.au
John Eason's Mt Terrible Pinot Noir is in the style of the great French Burgundies. Acclaimed by James Halliday with 95 points for 2013 and 2014 vintages, 97 points for 2015, and 96 points for 2016 and 2017.
Mt Terrible Pinot Noir is a low volume wine and is available in select restaurants in Melbourne, Sydney and London.
Gallery on Nash

Address: 20 Nash Street Jamieson VIC 3723 (part of Museum Building)
Phone: (03) 5777 0502
This community minded venture provides an outlet for the artists, artisans and producers in and around Jamieson, with a dedicated room for fine art, glasswork, mosaic, photography, pottery, etc, all created by local artists. The seedlings and plants are on display in the Museum garden.
Open 10 till 3 on weekends/holidays - drop by to see the amazing items produced within little Jamieson.
Jamieson Berries

Address: 20 Waterson Road, Jamieson VIC 3723
Turn off Mansfield/Woods Point Road into Waterson Road
Phone 03 5777 0693
Jamieson Berries is located just outside the township of Jamieson. The mild days and the cold nights on our 6 acre farm are perfect for producing delicious blueberries, boysenberries and raspberries.
Our frozen berries, jams, toppings and fruit wines are available all year round while fruit season runs from late November to Easter.
Hot Air Ballooning

Gently soar above the Mansfield basin on an enchanting balloon flight between the Delatite and Broken Rivers. Embrace the tranquillity as you float above the picturesque landscape, capturing stunning views of Mount Buller, Lake Eildon and the Great Dividing Range surrounding Jamieson.
Our experienced pilots will share local insights, making it an educational adventure. Create cherished memories and relish a sumptuous breakfast at a charming café after your flight. Unleash your spirit of wonder and book your spot today for an unforgettable experience in the heart of Victoria's High Country.
Don't miss this chance to embrace the beauty and magic of ballooning in Mansfield with Goldrush Ballooning!
Further Afield

If you're heading out of Jamieson and are looking for things to do, here's a few of our favourites: